
Завантажити збірник одним файлом

Ihor Pasichnyk,

Doctor of Science in Psychology, Professor,

Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0001-7785-2584

Maksym Karpovets,

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor,

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychology 

in the National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0001-5322-089X


The article proposes a paradigmatic analysis of understanding in three psychological traditions, in particular, cognitive, hermeneutic, and existential, considering performative theory's conceptual and theoretical foundations. The study shows that each paradigm offers its vision of the problem of understanding, where the performative aspect is implicitly or explicitly present in the reflective activity, self-knowledge, and value-sense construction of the subject, usually in the educational environment.

The performative dimension of the cognitive paradigm involves active and creative involvement in mental development, where it is essential not so much to learn as to comprehend knowledge, which corresponds to the performative-cognitive interpretation of understanding. As the study shows, understanding is not a separate or detached process from reality but a direct part of it. A person learns to think and understand while interacting with others, embodying and varying knowledge. In this context, thinking and understanding are not simply a passive reflection of the world but an intervention in its nature, where word and action coincide in performance.

The hermeneutical paradigm interprets understanding as a set of interpretations created from perceiving a text and its author in a specific socio-cultural reality, where each interpretation corresponds to a particular performance. As a performer, each interpreter adds something new to the understanding of the text and its creator. Thus, in this way, the development of thinking occurs, its assertion in new thinking operations. Understanding is not so much the knowledge gained as the process of its gradual comprehension through performative activity.

The existential paradigm considers understanding as a manifestation of existence, i.e., each way of being and performance corresponds to the individual's choice, decision, and responsibility for his/her activities. All of this shows that the performative aspect shifts the emphasis in the perception of understanding as a detached thought process from reality, suggesting that we consider an active, body-oriented way of constructing knowledge about the world and human beings. The performative aspect of this paradigm is each individual's creative, open activity.

The paradigmatic analysis of the traditions above proved that the subject learns to think and understand by actively interacting with others. During this interaction, as a performance, thinking becomes tangible and visible, and thus, through language and body, becomes part of the creation of the surrounding reality. The research prospect is to study the performative interaction of language and body in thinking, meaningfully creating the subject and his/her world.

Keywords: psychology of understanding, thinking, psychological paradigm, performance, performativity, activity, higher education.


Mariia Avhustiuk,

PhD in Psychological Sciences (Doctor of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the International Relations Department, The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0002-9510-5715

Volodymyr Demydiuk,

PhD in Psychological Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy in the Specialty 053 Psychology),

Student of the Institute of State Military Management,

The National Defence University of Ukraine 

ORCID: 0000-0003-0646-4271 


The paper describes the main psychological characteristics of emotional burnout of servicemen in the conditions of long-term armed conflicts according to cognitive, behavioural and emotional-volitional components. The results of the empirical study continue to expand the study of the psychological characteristics of military servants with emotional burnout.

The main tools we used in the research were the methods of J. Rotter, G. Rezapkina, R. Bramson, V. Buzina and E. Vanderlik (cognitive component), A. Maklakov and S. Chermianyk, O. Shmeliov, L. Wasserman and N. Humeniuk, J. Crumbaugh, R. Lazarus, G. Eysenck, MMPI questionnaire (behavioural component), as well as questionnaires of V. Boiko, A. Zverkov and E. Eidman, V. Zunge, L. Wasserman, Ch. Spielberger (emotional-volitional component), aimed at identifying factors for preventing and overcoming emotional burnout. The results of the study showed that, at the trend level, the lowest level of emotional-volitional and the average level of cognitive components are the most characteristic for military servants, which indicates emotional disorders, neuroticism, the presence of anxiety, depression and prompts to consider the importance of correcting the components of emotional disorder.

The results of the analysis can play an important role in the process of understanding the features of the cognitive, behavioural and emotional-volitional components of the emotional burnout of military servants in the conditions of long-term armed conflicts. A promising direction of emotional burnout research is the study of individual and gender characteristics of overcoming emotional disorders, elucidating the impact of emotional burnout on other spheres of military servants’ lives.

Keywords: emotional burnout, military servants, professional activity, rehabilitation, self-control, life goals.

Yurii Kostiuk

Postgraduate Student of Psychology,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0009-0007-7512-5018



The article carries out a general analysis of the concept of "post-traumatic stress disorder" in foreign and domestic scientific literature, examines the prevalence, symptoms and consequences of PTSD and the main approaches to assisting. The author analyses the impact of traumatic events on different segments of the population and emphasizes the importance of studying the impact of PTSD on young people, namely students of higher education institutions. It is concluded that there is a need for a more in-depth analysis, study and research of the problem of the occurrence and development of PTSD in higher education students.

Keywords: trauma, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic experience, traumatic situation.


Ivanna Pylypchuk,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Senior Lecturer,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0003-2360-5654

Sofiia Vashestiuk,

Student, The National University of Ostroh Academy


The reason for the pathological behavior patterns of Russians is not only the influence of racist propaganda in the mass media but also fairy-tale narratives laid down in childhood. Fairy tales act as a means of moral education, offering certain models of behavior that are most appropriate for one or another stage of the cultural development of society. The concept of "fairy tale" is defined as a symbolic reflection of ancient beliefs; the method of preparation for the initiation rite; the veiled sexual complex; the result of the actualization of archetypes; the life scenario factor; and the basics of building productive and unproductive behavioral models. We understand fairy-tale therapy as an educational system, the purpose of which is the transfer of psychological knowledge about the social formation of an individual, and the formation of connections between behavior in real life and fairy-tale events. The gulf between Ukrainians and Russians is buried deep in fairy tales that parents tell their children before going to bed. The conducted comparative analysis reveals that the behavioral models offered by Ukrainian and Russian fairy tales are radically different. Ukrainian fairy tales form behavioral models such as the value of human dignity, honest victory over the enemy, responsibility for one's actions, altruism and willingness to help. Narratives and value orientations learned from childhood in Russian fairy tales determine cruelty, disregard for human life, soldaphonism, and then manifest themselves in the behavior of Russian society.

Keywords: Ukrainian fairy tales, Russian fairy tales, fairy tale plot, fairy tale therapy, behavioral models.

Viktoriya Olehivna Kalamaz, 

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0001-6479-4776


Artur Borysovych Krasnopir,

Postgraduate Student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education majoring in Psychology,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0009-0006-1474-8943 

Doroshchuk Anna Ruslanivna, 

Postgraduate Student of the second (master's) level of higher education majoring in Psychology,

The National University of Ostroh Academy 

ORCID: 0009-0007-1622-0306


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of self-regulation of students' educational activities using two key methods - "Academic self-regulation" by R. Ryan and "Coping strategies" by R. Lazarus. The authors systematically consider various aspects of mental self-regulation and its influence on stress-coping strategies. In the article, the authors present the results of the analysis of the nature of the relationship between coping strategies and features of academic self-regulation in the context of higher education. 

It was found that most of the studied students demonstrate average levels of self-regulation according to the following scales: external regulation, introjective regulation, identified regulation, and self-motivation. It has been established that the variety of identified coping strategies indicates an individualized approach to overcoming stress in the conditions of higher education, however, the predominant orientation is towards solving problems.

The results of a correlation analysis are presented, which allows us to determine the presence and nature of connections between specific types of self-regulation and selected strategies for overcoming stress. Direct and inverse correlations were established, which confirms the relationship between various aspects of self-regulation and the effectiveness of stress-coping strategies.

It was concluded that the obtained results will contribute to a deeper understanding of the psychological mechanisms of self-regulation in the academic environment and the further development of pedagogical and psychological practice in the system of higher education.

Keywords: self-regulation, educational activity, self-regulated learning, students, pedagogy, coping strategies, stress.


Yuliia Kovalchuk

Lecturer, PhD Student,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0003-0782-3264


The focus of the study is on the theoretical aspects of the study of communicative culture. The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the concept of the "communicative culture of future foreign language specialists" and characterize its structural components based on the analysis of relevant professional literature. An analysis of the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers has been carried out. The concepts of culture, communicative culture, and communicative competence are outlined. The methods of forming communicative culture in foreign language classes are considered. Specifically, the methods of active learning, the case method, and problem situations.

The methods of our study are the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, systematization and generalization of various views and approaches of scientists regarding the definition of the essence of the concept and structure of communicative culture of future foreign language specialists. The article points out that the formation of the communicative culture of the future foreign language specialist is an important task of higher education.

Keywords: culture, communicative culture, foreign language communicative competence.


Mariana Nechyporuk

Lecturer at the Department of National Security and Politology,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0003-0253-9109

Volodymyr Romaniuk

PhD Student of Psychology,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0009-0001-4188-2279


This article presents an analysis of the main theoretical and methodological foundations for researching metacognitive control among students specializing in National Security within the context of self-regulated learning. It highlights the growing interest in psychological science regarding the problem of self-regulated learning effectiveness and the researchers' desire to develop functioning tools for assessing learning strategies.

      Based on classical postulates about methodology as a system of principles and methods for organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, the article analyzes theoretical models, characteristics, and components of self-regulated learning and the place of metacognitive control within this system. It considers Pintrich's theoretical model of self-regulated learning, which studies self-regulation of learning, particularly metacognitive control, across four spheres: cognitive, motivational-emotional, behavioral, and contextual. The latter distinguishes this model from others, as it includes the contextual area as a subject of self-regulation.

      Special attention is given to analyzing key elements of metacognitive control - learning strategies that can significantly enhance the chances of successful and effective learning. It is found that learning strategies relate to the effective selection and organization of information, efficient repetition of material with subsequent assimilation, establishing connections between new information and information already stored in memory, understanding, monitoring, and continuously enhancing the meaningfulness of the material. It is noted that an important aspect of the interconnection between learning strategies and metacognitive abilities is the effective management of resources, not necessarily related to cognitive activity - time management, managing the learning environment, group learning, and seeking feedback.

      The third level of methodology discusses a set of specific techniques and technical research approaches for investigating metacognitive control in students of higher education institutions specializing in “National Security”: LASSI, Weinstein, Schulte, Palmer, 1987.

      The conclusion is drawn that self-regulated learning (and thus, the ability to apply metacognitive control) characterizes students as actively engaged in the learning process: they maintain their motivation, are aware of their thinking processes, and know how to use a wide range of strategies to achieve desired academic outcomes.

      The article identifies the main methodological problems associated with the empirical study of the effectiveness of self-regulated learning: using different tools to study cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational aspects of self-regulated learning, which separately does not consider its regulatory nature; the need to increase students' awareness of the characteristics of self-regulated learning and the use of learning strategies for accurate self-reports and self-assessment of these processes; since SRL is a specific, not a general process, differences in research results can be observed depending on the context or situation.

      Keywords: metacognitive control, self-regulated learning, learning strategies, reflection, motivation.


Eduard Psiadlo

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology, 

Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID:  0000-0002-1263-3249

Eleonora Pishchevska

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology, 

Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID: 0000-0002-7937-2426

Natalia Kantariova

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Practical and Clinical Psychology, 

Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID: 0009-0002-4817-2277


The article examines the peculiarities of the socialization of children who stutter. Emphasis is placed on the first institution of socialization - the family. The basis of the article is the determination of the peculiarities of the functioning of children who stutter. For a child, the family is the closest microenvironment that forms the personality. The main concepts and the influence of social phenomena on child-parent relations are considered. The appearance of stuttering in a child is a stressful situation for parents. Mothers of children who stutter often experience feelings of guilt towards the child, frustration, shame for the child, and even hostility. This unfavorable picture is aggravated by such social factors as prolonged quarantine measures and martial law. It cannot but affect all spheres of life. In the course of the research, the following methods were applied: theoretical - analysis, comparison, generalization of domestic and foreign literature on the subject under study; and empirical - conversation, observation, and testing. The article describes an empirical study of the peculiarities of the family functioning of children who stutter and their parents. The analysis of the research results showed the following: socio-psychological factors affecting the mental health of children are the disharmony of family relations and family upbringing, as well as violations in the sphere of child-parent relations. Frequent conflicts, and loud quarrels cause children a constant feeling of anxiety, self-doubt, and emotional tension and can even disrupt their mental health. In children's drawings, you can find a projection of psycho-traumatic influence, which plays the role of a pathogenic factor in the appearance of stuttering. In such families, there is an excessive emotional distance from the child. Such families, in general, are not sufficiently integrated. Differences in the results of the research of both groups allow us to conclude the need for corrective work with children with stuttering and their parents. At the end of the article, recommendations and prospects for further research are described, namely, children who stutter, as well as their mothers, need psychological counseling or psychotherapy.

Keywords: socialization, family, stuttering,  counseling psychology, diagnosis, recovery, social changes. 


Lyudmila Romanovska,

doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of psychological sciences, professor,

professor of the department of social work and social pedagogy,

Khmelnytskyi National University

ORCID: 0000-0001-7547-4575

Mykola Novak,

Postgraduate student, Social Work and Social Pedagogy Department,

Khmelnytsky National University

ORCID: 0000-0003-0221-6342


The article is aimed at considering the psychological conditions of the development of the vitality of the individual in the conditions of war. Military conflicts create extremely stressful situations for military personnel and civilians, and understanding these psychological aspects is critical to maintaining mental health and building life resilience in the conditions of war. The article examines the various factors that influence life resilience, including social support, available psychological resources, individual personality traits, coping mechanisms, and effective methods of psychological support.

As part of the research, it is noted that one of the key components of the vitality of an individual is social support. The role of family, friends, colleagues, religious leaders and community organizations in providing psychological support during difficult times of war cannot be underestimated. It is also important to have internal psychological resources, such as inner strength, emotional intelligence, coping strategies, internal motivation and positive guidance. The article also examines individual personality traits, such as temperament type, level of optimism, anxiety, self-discipline, level of empathy, adaptability, and resilience to stress, which affect the way a person responds to stressful situations. Adaptation mechanisms are also examined in the context of military conflicts, including problem solving, rejection of inappropriate strategies, situational awareness, acceptance of individual limitations, social support and protection. The article also provides examples of effective methods of psychological support that can help an individual overcome stress and trauma in wartime. Understanding these aspects of the development of life resilience in conditions of war helps to create optimal conditions for maintaining mental health and psychological resilience in conditions of military conflict.

Thus, the article provides a comprehensive overview of psychological conditions, factors and mechanisms that affect the ability of an individual to adapt to stressful situations of military conflicts, maintain mental health and develop life resilience.

Keywords: psychological conditions; life resilience of the individual; development; aspects; factors.


Liudmyla Shuliaka-Vladyka

Teacher-trainee at the Department of Journalism and PR Management,

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, 

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0009-0007-7404-6254


         The statistics outline the theoretical aspects of the particularities of professional self-identity. The professional self-esteem of students of Western Higher Educational Institutions has been analyzed. The main concepts of professional self-esteem have been strengthened.

         The process of professional self-identification of students involves various aspects, such as the peculiarities of professional suitability, diversity, sociocultural influences, and various living conditions. One of the key features is the understanding of the psychological, social, and economic aspects that the choice of a future profession means.

The article presents the results of an empirical study, the purpose of which was to study the current career orientations of students according to Shane’s Career Anchors method. The empirical basis of the study was a sample of 33 respondents aged 17 to 19, who are 1st-year students of the National University of Ostroh Academy and studying in the specialty Journalism. The survey continued throughout January 2024. The research was conducted online using a Google form.

         Theoretical analysis and empirical research prove that for students, the most relevant and inherent is the service orientation, which is manifested through active public participation, the choice of specialties with a social vector, and the constant development of competencies for effective participation in public life. A less common professional orientation among students is the stability of the place of residence. The priority of this orientation is influenced by: the Russian-Ukrainian war, economic instability, and new opportunities that students can get when moving or studying abroad.

In general, students’ career orientation towards service is shaped by the influence of internal motivations, economic advantages, and social expectations. Students strive to use their talents and experience to achieve societal goals effectively.

         Keywords: students, education, self-esteem, professional self-esteem, consciousness, profession.


Zinoviia Karpenko,

DSc. in Psychological Sciences, Professor, 

Professor at the  Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology,

 “Lviv Polytechnic” National University

ORCID: 0000-0002-0747-2591 


The article examines how to counteract the mass militaristic psychosis (MMP) in modern Russia that is unfolded in discourses and narratives of the hostile media and is consistent with societal psyche intentions.

The study’s purpose is to substantiate the methods (collective and individual) counteracting causes, manifestations and consequences of MMP in the aggressor country in the context of the performative approach in psychotherapy.

Research methods: analysis of everyday discourse and media content to identify leading intentions of ideological influence, including observation and comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various psychotherapeutic methods, and axiopsychological reinterpretation of some psychotherapeutic practices.

The results. The study revealed limited possibilities for implementing psychological education and encouraging critical thinking of the militaristic propaganda recipients. Instead, in the era of dominance of performance, when contemplation has been replaced with actions, the techniques of “emotional judo” become useful that introducing careful counterarguments to remove leaders - demagogues and dictators - from power and to apply real changes in life circumstances (primarily, to achieve Ukraine’s victory in the war). The forms of individual resistance to MMP, the imperial “rashism” ideology are derived from M. Seligman's PERMA formula. This is an axio-psychological interpretation of its emotional, intellectual, communicative and physical (acts) components. The article considers types of shaming used by political bloggers due to the total influence of Internet communications and widely spread invective practices in media content. The features of limited shaming in counter-propaganda are described.

Conclusions. The antidote to MMP in the latest era of Meta-modernism means the performative exposition of its causes, manifestations and consequences to achieve real value transformation in the population affected by the imperial ideology. Axiopsychological reinterpretation of the positive psychological formula PERMA consists of the following steps: emotional rejection, reflexive criticism, value-orientation unity, reliance on a sense of dignity, defense of universal values and the will to defeat an existential enemy.

Keywords: mass militarist psychosis (MMP), “rashism”, Russian-Ukrainian war, public resistance, individual resistance, shaming, performative dimension, axiopsychological reinterpretation.


Liliia Korol 

PhD in Educational and Developmental Psychology, 

Associate Professor at the International Communication Department, 

The National University of Ostroh Academy, 

Affiliated Researcher at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmo University (Sweden),

Researcher at the Migration and Society Research Unit (URMIS), UMR CNRS 8245-IRD 205), Université Côte d’Azur (France) 

ORCID: 0000-0002-6434-0982 

Catherine Blaya 

PhD in Social Sciences with a specialization in Sociology of Education, 

Doctor of Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in Educational Sciences, 

 (Full) Professor of Education Sciences at the University of the Côte d'Azur (France), 

Director of the National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Nice (France), 

Member of the Migration and Society Research Unit (URMIS) (UMR CNRS 8245-IRD 205), Université Côte d’Azur (France) 

ORCID: 0000-0002-2147-5094


The article presents an analysis of the content and essence of the phenomenon of cyberhate as well as the synthesis of the conceptual approaches and empirical findings of youth’s cyberhate experiences in France. Specifically, we explore recent developments and conclusions of research on cyberhate and the involvement of young people as exposed, victims, or perpetrators in France to determine the current state of knowledge. We focus on the prevalence of online hate experiences among adolescents, including cyberhate exposure, victimization, and perpetration. Moreover, we analyze whether the youth’s socio-demographic characteristics and individual-level variables appear to be influential in the context of the youth’s cyberhate experiences. We present recent studies in France showing that young people of ethnic minority backgrounds as well as those who display low life satisfaction are at higher risk of becoming victims of cyberhate. In addition, our overview suggests that cyberhate perpetrators frequently report being insulted and bullied at school and suffer from online victimization. At the same time, cyberhate perpetration is also shown to be strongly linked with time spent online, belonging to deviant youth groups, and adopting positive attitudes towards violence and racism. Furthermore, we analyze recent empirical findings concerning a wide range of online contextual and environmental factors in youth’s involvement in cyberhate utilizing two theoretical perspectives of routine activity and problem behavior theories. We conclude by discussing the implications of empirical research for practitioners and intervention strategies aimed to prevent and address cyberhate and create a safer and more inclusive online environment.

Keywords: cyberhate, cyberaggression, online space, youth, discrimination, xenophobia, victimization. 


Оlha Savychenko,  

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Applied Psychology, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

ORCID: 0000-0001-7796-9280

Anna Lushchyk,

Assistant at the Department of Social and Applied Psychology, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

ORCID: 0009-0009-9529-3486

Svitlana Melnychenko.

Master's student of the EP "Psychology. Individual and community mental health", Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

ORCID: 0009-0000-6599-7153

Yevgeniy Shunevych,

Postgraduate Student, the Department of Social and Applied Psychology, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

ORCID: 0009-0005-0078-9165


Mental health difficulties and resources of Ukrainian volunteers in war are analyzed in the article. Attention is focused on three areas of volunteering – helping military personnel, civilians, and animals. The methodological basis of the study are the ideas of the World Health Organization, international and Ukrainian research on mental health.

Empirical research is devoted to the study of the general state of volunteers’ mental health, mental disorders and other mental health complications, indicators of coping with stress and post-traumatic growth.

The empirical study was conducted using a set of methods: "Mental Health Continuum - Short Form" (MHC-SF-UA), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Brief Measure for Assessing Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Malach-Pines A. The Burnout Measure, Short Version (BMS), Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). 81 people were covered by the study.

It was established that the majority of volunteers have moderate mental health (42%), while the mental health of 35% of volunteers is flourishing, and 24% of volunteers have a languishing mental state. Mental health languishing is associated with impairments in the form of depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, and burnout, while flourishing is associated with coping with stress, emotional regulation, and post-traumatic growth.

It was found that volunteers helping the military effectively use emotional self-regulation strategies, so they do not have significant signs of anxiety, depression, or sleep disorders. However, systematic stay in stressful conditions reduces the level of coping with stress and leads to emotional burnout. Post-traumatic growth occurs mainly due to the expansion of one's own capabilities and strengthening personal and social resources.

Volunteers helping civilians have difficulty coping with stress, leading to increased symptoms of depression and insomnia. Growth is driven by new opportunities, renewed values, and social significance.

Volunteers helping animals have some difficulties with emotional self-regulation and coping with stress, so signs of anxiety and depression are observed. Post-traumatic growth is accompanied by coping with stress, accumulation of coping strategies and strengthening of values.

Keywords: mental health, volunteers, mental disorders, mental health continuum, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, emotional regulation, post-traumatic growth.


Ruslana Kalamazh

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,

The National University of Ostroh Academy


Elizaveta Tymoshchuk,

  Teacher at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,

The National University of Ostroh Academy

ORCID: 0000-0002-0619-6724


The article deals with the concept of resilience in the context of meaningful transformation from a personal trait to a dynamic process, protective factors of resilience, as well as its complexity with other semantically similar concepts, in particular resilience and stress resistance. The authors emphasize the independence of resilience from the cultural context, society, family, experience and learning. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the concept of organizational resilience, in particular to the disclosure of the corresponding model of the German researcher Stephanie Duchek, which includes the stages of anticipation, overcoming and positive adaptation. The need to use the resilience approach in managing educational institutions in conditions of uncertainty and crisis is substantiated.

The results of an empirical study of resilience resources of higher education students based on the "BASIC Ph" model test are presented. The history of the empirical base of the research was a sample of 100 respondents aged 17 to 20 who are students of the National University "Ostroh Academy" majors 013 Primary education, 035 Philology: 035.041 Germanic languages and literature, 035 Philology: 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature, 032 and archaeology. Survey during April - June 2023 using Google Form survey software. According to the results of the empirical research, students in stressful situations use the following strategies critically: C – cognition, cognitive strategies (Cognition) indicator 20.79, B – faith, values (Belief & values) indicator 18.84, I – imagination, creativity (Imagination) indicator 18.54, Ph – physical and bodily resources (Physical) indicator 16.55, A – emotions, feelings (Affect) indicator 16.36, S – social connections, communication (Socialization) indicator 16.08 .

Keywords: resilience, organizational resilience, organizational resilience model Stephanie Duchek, BASIC model Ph.


Lidiya Lukovych,

graduate student of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy,

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

ORCID: 0009-0003-1653-8024


The individual task is devoted to the development of managerial abilities of a female manager in a modern environment. The research study examines an important aspect of modern management aimed at understanding the unique characteristics and success of women in leadership and management roles. The study is aimed at determining the key aspects of the organizational abilities of women managers, which can affect the effectiveness of their activities in the business environment. The program focuses on improving leadership, communication and strategic decision-making skills.

The study aims to support women in developing their management skills for successful leadership. It is based on the study of psychological aspects of leadership, communication strategies, conflict management skills and developing emotional intelligence. The program also includes elements of mentoring and practical exercises to improve management skills and create an enabling environment for female leadership in today's business. Within the framework of the study, the individual features of women's leadership style are analyzed, in particular, their ability to communicate, solve problems, motivate the team, and think strategically. The impact of gender stereotypes and prejudices on decision-making processes and opportunities for women managers is considered.

The study also looks at practical aspects, such as successful case studies of female managers in various industries and their strategies for overcoming difficulties associated with stereotypes and limitations. The possibilities of ways to support and develop the organizational abilities of women in the conditions of a competitive business environment are highlighted. This study is an important step towards achieving the development of better management strategies in the modern business environment. The main task of the article is to understand the peculiarities of the behavior of women managers and their significant impact on organizational dynamics.

Keywords: female management, female leader, leadership style, career development, leadership, self-analysis, management strategies, development of managerial abilities, female management, psychological training.


Viktor Moskalets,

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, The Head of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

ORCID: 0000-0002-0724-2657


The article presents an analysis of the experience of Socratic dialogues with a person who suffered from the frustration of hopelessness caused by an incurable disease and doom to imminent death. She was agnostic about religion and did not have a personally meaningful mission in which she could “plunge headlong” – “to make it”. Therefore, she concluded that it would be better for herself and her family to get rid of the suffering caused by her illness as soon as possible, which makes a “neat” suicide possible. The main conclusion from the results of the Socratic dialogues with this person and other terminally ill patients is that the frustration of hopelessness of the terminally ill can and does have a super-sense – a humanistic belief in God, which applies to both agnostics and atheists. The sincere believers are protected from such frustration by their faith. If an agnostic or atheist is “cool” and distrustful of churches and priests, a psychotherapist / psychologist can and should attract and engage him or her in the super-sense. In the process of socratic dialogues with such a person, he or she should try to form a reasoned agreement on the high probability of the existence of the Transcendent with the help of rational arguments based on relevant facts, life realities, reflections of powerful thinkers, and the latest scientific discoveries, whose personalized subjects (God, angels, saints) “patronize” our earthly world from the standpoint of love and care for it, which gives a high, though incomprehensible to the human mind, meaning to the existence of humanity and the life of each person. This agreement sets the mood for sanitizing optimistic hope and sincere love (Faith–Hope–Love).

The discourse of rational argumentation of the super-sense is presented. It is proved that not only the grace of conversion, but also the rational and intellectual agreement with the super-sense can be a reliable mental “outpost” of subjective self-defense against the frustrations of hopelessness, loss, etc. Such agreement gives the hopeless subject hope for a happy ending to his or her earthly suffering and encourages him or her to be imbued with his or her love for and care for the family, and thus to set himself or herself the super-task corresponding to the super-sense, which is to complete his or her earthly journey with dignity despite suffering. Such movements of sacrificial love (agape) “push down” the burden of despair and hopelessness and fill with the light energy of emotion and admiration for one's love, responsibility, care, and concern, which has a healing effect on the subject's psyche and significantly alleviates his or her suffering “here and now”.

Keywords: frustration of hopelessness, logotherapy, Socratic dialogue, rational argumentation of the super-sense / humanistic belief in God, Faith–Hope–Love, emotion of sacrificial love (agape).