Information about the issue

Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Psychology Series - is a specialized scientific periodical.

The journal is included in the list of the scientific scholarly editions of Ukraine (psychological sciences), according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 747 of 13.07.2015).

Founded in 2000

Founder:National University of Ostroh Academy

The main problem. The collection presents the results of theoretical and experimental developments, problems of fundamental and applied psychology. The problems of personality, cognitive sphere, issues of social, pedagogical, legal, economic, medical psychology, peculiarities of behavior that do not conform to the norm, etc. are considered. It is intended for teachers, researchers, post-graduate students and students of psychological faculties of higher educational establishments, as well as for practicing psychologists.

The article should correspond to the topics of the journal, the modern stage of the development of psychological science.

Scientific publication Scientific Papers. The series "Psychology" publishes original scientific works performed in the context of actual problems of personality psychology and related branches of psychological science in various aspects: theoretical and methodological articles; articles which are describing the results of empirical studies; articles which are describing new methodical (diagnostic, corrective-developing, etc.) techniques.

Subject orientation:the journal covers the results of scientific research in the field of psychology.

Subject areas:

• problems of personality and general psychology;

• problems of educational and developmental psychology;

• problems of cognitive psychology;

• problems of social psychology and psychology of the masses;

• problems of organizational psychology and labor psychology;

• problems of psychodiagnostics;

• problems of counseling psychology and psychotherapy.

Languages of publishing:Ukrainian, Russian, English.

ISSN 2415-7384

JEL-classification: A – Z.

The journal is included in a number of scientometric bases and catalogues:


EBSCO Publishing, Inc.

DOI: 10.25264/2415-7384

Russian Scientific Citation Index(РІНЦ)

National Library named after V. I. Vernadsky, Ukraine

Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science

Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Psychology Seriesis a journal including scientific publications for public access. This means that all content is freely available and is free of charge to users or their organizations. The users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking permission from the publisher or the author. This definition of open access is given according to BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative).

Open Access Policy

This magazine provides direct, open access to your content, based on the following principle: Free open access to research results facilitates an increase in global knowledge sharing.

Refusal policy

Editor-in-chief of the scientific publication Scientific Notes. The series "Psychology" evaluates the works submitted for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political views of the author.